Graduation Timeline
Senior Class Graduation Timeline
Graduation Date: May 23, 2025 @ 6PM
Please contact the High School Office at 937-884-7940 with any questions.

Graduation Requirements
Ohio's Long-term Graduation Requirements (Link to Department of Education & Workforce)
Graduation Requirements Steps 1 & 2: Complete Credits & Demonstrate Competency
Ohio's Graduation Requirements Infographic (Options 3, 4, and 5 to Demonstrate Competency)
Jostens Ordering
Senior Class Ordering Information
Class Meeting on October 11th
Ordering Deadline October 18th
You can order online at For any questions, please contact Robert Eldridge directly at 937-552-9904 or
Composite Information
If you’re a member of the current senior class, you will need to contact Expressions Studios at your earliest convenience to set up your composite/yearbook photo sitting - you can visit their website here for more information!
Composites must be completed by December 1st to be included in the class photo.
School Fees
Need to pay your senior's school fees? Fees can be paid online through PaySchools Central with your student's ID number, or by check, cash, or credit card in the high school office.
All fees must be paid by May 17th to participate in commencement. Only cash or credit card will be accepted after May 10th.

Local Scholarships
Available HERE
Attention CTC students: Please check your MUHS email for additional scholarships.

College Visit Form
Must be completed one week prior to your visit.
Requires a parent signature and counselor approval.
Bring verification of your visit to the attendance office the day of your return.