bulldog reading a  book

Here is this week's Literacy Minute-  

  What do you think is the most important way for you to support your child's success in school?  You may be surprised to learn that it is not helping with homework, although that is very helpful.  The number one thing you can do to support your child in school is to have high expectations for learning and behavior both at school and at home.  This can be especially encouraging as your child progresses into more challenging math and literacy skills, and you are not confident in your own academic abilities.  

Here is a website you might enjoy checking out-  http://cfs.cbcs.usf.edu/resource-centers/fcpi/parentinvolve.cfm

Florida Center for Parent Involvement - USF

Parent Involvement PARENT TIP SHEETS. Get Involved in Your Child's Education - Envuélvase en la Educación de sus Niños; Learning in Your Home - Aprediendo en Su Casa; Promoting Reading - Promoviendo la Lectura; Preschool Reading List - Lista Para Lectura ( pre-escuela - K); Goals 2000 - Metas 2000; Parent Resource Center - Centro de Recursos para Padres; Let's Use The Library - Vamos a Usar ...


     If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact me- Mary Bower, BowerM@muschools.com