Kids hands


Student Health Services @ Milton-Union:

Our student health services department is aimed at providing a safe, healthy learning environment to keep our students in the class for optimal learning. We have two nurses present in the district every day to provide health services including addressing individual health concerns/illness, providing care to students with ongoing medical conditions, maintaining student health records and immunization compliance, and conducting annual hearing and vision screenings.

When to Keep your Student Home from School

  • Fever of 100 degrees or higher. Student needs to be fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications.

  • Diarrhea (multiple watery stools).

  • Severe cough, wheezing or respiratory distress.

  • Extreme redness of eye, accompanied by discharge or pain.

  • Rashes of unknown origin.

  • Severe sore throat or difficulty swallowing.

  • Severe headache or stomach ache with persistent vomiting.

  • Untreated head lice infestation.

Immunization Requirements:

Ohio Immunization Summary for School Attendance

Kindergarten: Kindergarten Medical Form

Grade 7: Meningococcal and Tdap Vaccination Requirement Form

Grade 12: Meningococcal Vaccination Requirement Form

Contact Us!

Chelsea Chinn, RN
937-884-7900 ext. 2114

Jenny Wheelock,
937-884-7900 ext. 2154